Heminephrectomy is a surgery done to remove a part of ‘duplex’ kidney. Most duplex kidneys are uncomplicated and won’t cause any symptoms. Occasionally, it is seen by doing ultrasound for other reasons. In some patients with a duplex kidney, one part won’t develop properly (dysplasia) and poor functioning. In some other patients, problems occur with related to blockage or infection in part.


  • The surgery was performed under general anaesthesia. A dose of antibiotics were given to decrease the chance of urinary tract infection associated with the surgery.

  • This surgery will be done by incision or cut in the side, an incision in the abdomen, or even as a laparoscopic procedure.

  • During the surgery, the surgeon will spot the part of the kidney which is needed to be removed. They will identify, control and divide the blood vessels which are going to that part.

  • They will separate the ureter associated with it and remove the part which is affected in the kidney. The wounds were closed with dissolving sutures.

  • Pain killers are given to control the pain. Child will be given intravenous fluids till they are able to eat and drink enough for themselves. Some children may have some pain while they pass urine, and small amount of blood in the urine may also seen but this is temporary.

  • Patient needs to continue to use some medicine to decrease the pain when they go home from hospital. They may have a dressing on their wound, which can be taken away after a week. Like any surgery, infection and bleeding are the very most frequent complications that may occur, but they won’t occur commonly.

  • While the parts of the duplex kidney were separated, the exact separation between them is hard to find out.