Stress urinary incontinence

Female urinary stress incontinence was the involuntary release of urine while performing any physical activity that that will keeps pressure on your bladder. This potentially embarrassing condition will be vary from the general incontinence in that it will happens when a body was under immediate physical stress. Activities which will deposit stress on your bladder will involve laughing, coughing, sneezing, lifting the heavy objects, or bending over. This condition was particularly seen in the women, many of whom may experience symptoms after the muscles have been weakened because of the vaginal childbirth, followed by menopause, or during pregnancy. Stress incontinence may occur at any age. The complications of it was developing increase with pregnancy & as you age. Stress incontinence was the major common type of the urinary incontinence in women.


The main symptoms of the stress incontinence were leaking urine when you are doing physically actives, sneeze, cough, exercise, have sexual intercourse, stand.


Female urinary stress incontinence may occur when the pelvic muscles which will controls the release of the urine & support the bladder weaken. These muscles may become weaker as you get older age. The muscles are usually weak after menopause because of low levels of estrogen. Childbirth, pelvic surgery, & injury to the urethra may also weaken the muscles. The below mentioned food & drinks will also make your stress incontinence worse: alcohol, soda caffeine, spicy foods. Health factors will also make stress incontinence most worse: frequent coughing, urinary tract infections, obesity, medications that will increase urine production


  • During the urinary stress test the doctor will request you to cough while you were standing to check if you have involuntarily urine leakage.

  • While performing the pad test you will be asked to wear a sanitary pad while doing exercise to obseve how much urine you are leaking.

  • A urinalysis will enable your doctor to determine if your having any urinary tract infection.

  • A post-void residual (PVR) test will measure how much urine was in your bladder after you have gone to the bathroom.

  • A cystometry test used to measure the pressure in your bladder. It will also measures the flow of your urine.

  • X-rays along with contrast dye may help your doctor to spot abnormalities in your urinary tract.