An ultrasound guided prostate biopsy was a procedure in which a special needle was inserted into the prostate gland to collect a small tissue sample from the gland. The sample was then sent to the laboratory for testing, to conclude the presence or absence of prostate cancer.


  • Prior to the procedure, you are allowed to be asked to lie on the left side, with your legs bent up. The radiologist will initially carry out a DRE with a gloved finger.

  • An ultrasound probe, which was about the thickness of a thumb, this will be inserted into your rectum. The probe was sterilized and covered with 2 condoms to make sure the protection from any contamination or infection, and a lubricant that will help to glide easily into your rectum. Occasionally an injection of the local anaesthetic or sedative can be given into the area of the rectum to decrease the discomfort during the procedure.

  • After examining your prostate with the ultrasound, the radiologist will take biopsies. To perform the biopsies, a very fine needle was guided, by using pictures or images the radiologist can seen on the ultrasound screen, by the wall of your rectum into the prostate & a sample of tissue was collected.

  • The sample was sent to the pathology laboratory for the analysis by another specialized doctor called a pathologist. This biopsy sampling was repeated may times to ensure that if any visible abnormal area was adequately sampled, and that as much of the prostate gland was required is also sampled. Generally, in between 6 and 14 individual samples are taken and sent for the analysis.

  • When this was over, the probe was removed & if you have a general anaesthetic, you are woken up. You were then given a small pad to wear around the bottom in case if there is any bleeding, & you will be kept under observation till you can urinate.