Urodynamic testing is any method that looks at how good the urethra, bladder and sphincters are releasing and storing the urine. Most urodynamic tests will focus on the bladder’s capability to hold and empty the urine steadily and completely. Urodynamic tests may also show if the bladder is having involuntary contractions that reason of urine leakage. Doctor may recommend urodynamic tests if symptoms related to problem with the lower urinary tract.

Urodynamic testing may be done when:

  • You have moderate to severe involuntary release of urine.

  • Other tests do not determine the cause of incontinence.

  • Your doctor suspects there is more than one cause for your incontinence.

  • You are considering having surgery.


For basic urodynamic testing:

  • Patients are instructed to come for testing with a full bladder.

  • The rate at which the bladder will empty and the amount of urine will be measured while urinate into a container.

  • Flexible tube (catheter) which is thin, need then inserted from the bladder into the urethra and the volume of urine is measured (post-void residual or PVR) which remaining in the bladder. A minor burning feeling may arise when the catheter is inserted.

  • The bladder may be filled with water from the catheter till you have the first urge to urinate. The quantity of water in the bladder was measured at this point. Then extra water may be added while you oppose urinating till uncontrolled urination occurs.

  • More complicated testing uses electrodes located in the rectum to measure the electrical activity of the muscles while the bladder fills.

  • After urodynamic test was done, patient may feel mild discomfort for some hours when urinating. Every half-hour patient needs to drinks 8 glass of water for 2 hrs may help to decrease the discomfort.