Varicoceles are defined as enlarged varicose veins that may take place in the scrotum. They are quite common; they will affect 15 out of 100 men in general and 40 out of 100 men with known infertility. Varicoceles mostly occur frequently in the left testicle. Varicocele repair is mainly done to improve male fertility.


  • Usually it is a surgical treatment on an outpatient basis and performing under local or general anesthetic. A small cut was made in the abdomen close to where the testicles initially descended from the abdominal wall.

  • The veins that are producing the varicocele are recognized and cut to remove the blood flow to the varicocele.

  • Alternatively, a nonsurgical treatment called percutaneous embolization may be done to repair a varicocele.

A tiny catheter may introduce through a big vein in the neck or groin and superior to the varicocele, which is then blocked by a coil, balloon, or medicine. After surgery patient may go to home after 4 hours of a routine varicocele surgery.

  • Pain medicine is given for a few days after the surgery.

Varicocele repair usually have relatively few risks, which may includes: Infection, Increase of fluid around the testicles hydrocele, damage to an artery, recurrence of varicoceles, testicular atrophy.

Varicocele repair is the most cost-effective treatment for the patients who are suffering with infertility. Men can improve to ordinary semen, which may permit for a natural pregnancy, or improves semen of sufficient quality for intrauterine insemination. Men with azoospermia may create ejaculated sperm adequate for ICSI. Even if a man remains azoospermic, varicocele repair may improve spermatogenesis allows sufficient sperm production for ICSI. At last, microsurgical varicocelectomy will develop testosterone levels in a most of the men, which is a health issue of men aside from infertility.