How can lifestyle changes reduce the risk of prostate cancer?

The prostate is a small gland in men which is responsible to produce the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. Prostate cancer occurs in the prostate. It is one of the most common types of cancer in men and it grows slowly. Most of the men with low-grade prostate cancer live a long life […]

Understand And Treat Your Child’s Urological Issues

Many children face urology issues. Most of the times, they are considered trivial and ignored. For example, many parents think that conditions like bedwetting are just bad habits and they will cease when the children grow older. It can be true in many cases but not always. So, instead of waiting for the situation to […]

Urethral Cancer Treatment

Urethral cancer, a rare form of cancer where malignant cells develops in the tissues lining urethra. Urethra is the tube that carries urine outside the body from the urinary bladder. Urethral cancer treatment is done on the basis of the intensity of the cancerous spread and cells affected. Urethra is found just above the vagina. […]

Remedies for Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones are otherwise called nephrolithiasis, renal lithiasis is the small, sturdy mineral deposits which are formed inside the kidneys. The stones are made of acid salts and minerals. All kidney stones are not made of the same crystals and it varies. The various types of stones are cystine stones, calcium stones, struvite stones and uric […]